(SEO) Search Engine Optimization

DesignRush Reveals The Top Search Engine Optimization Tactics That Improve Rankings In 2019

A recent report states that every second, more than 67 thousand searches are performed in Google. DesignRush researched some of the trends that are transforming SEO tactics and ranked the top search engine optimization companies that can create innovative SEO strategies to help improve rankings. According to a recent report, 67 thousand searches are conducted in Google every second. In fact, companies are constantly in need of innovating and updating their tactics to improve their website search engine rankings.” data-reactid=”12″>NEW YORK, Aug. 20, 2019…

8 Local Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bing

There’s no question that Google is the primary focus when optimizing for SEO. That said, it should not be the only focus. Bing, Yahoo, and Baidu all have millions of users. These “secondary” search engines are often overlooked because of low market share. Consider this; Bing powers not only its own searches but Yahoo as well. When combined, that equals a 10.4% U.S. market share. On the surface that may seem small, but actually represents millions of search engine queries (which are largely being ignored…

5 Tips to Improve Your Regional SEO Strategy

For some businesses, ranking for a larger region may make more sense than optimizing for a hyperlocal approach. This is especially true for service area businesses that offer services in various areas and may not get in-office foot traffic. Implementing a well-orchestrated regional SEO strategy can help extend your impression reach without breaking the bank for physical offices in every little city in an area. If done correctly, you can still rank in the SERP for the coveted “near me” searches that have become…

The Hidden Opportunity for Ecommerce Websites in Google Images

Around three-quarters of U.S. internet users regularly or always search for visual content prior to making a purchase, according to eMarketer; only 3% never do. When it comes to shopping online, product images create a positive experience for potential customers. Many experts share that featuring multiple professional images for a product helps reduce customer uncertainty, resulting in improved conversion and lower return rates. Google Images search share is approximately 26% of overall search, according to Jumpshot and Moz. Optimized product images can drive new…

Enterprise SEO Outsourcing Tips [Infographic] – Business 2 Community

Outsourcing various digital marketing activities such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer new in the business landscape. With SEO outsourcing countries such as the Philippines becoming a hotbed for cost-effective solutions targeted for companies of every size and nature, it no longer surprising why more and more businesses looking to free up their internal resources choose this route these days. Such a trend is evident in the enterprise-scale business sector, where the majority of the companies rely on technical SEO and content…

11 Steps to On-site Video SEO

Once you decide to invest in video, you still need to figure out how to get people to view and interact with it. That’s where search engine optimization comes into play. Follow these 11 steps to optimize your videos for organic search — to improve their ability to rank and drive views. 11 Steps to On-site Video SEO Choose your topic. Your videos need to provide something the viewer wants. That could be instruction on how to use your products, a 360-degree view, a…

What Voice Search Means to the Future of Retail

SEO still reigns supreme, but voice adds a complex new wrinkle to the search landscape. Did you know that there are more than 3.5 billion searches made online every day? Because of this, organizations have long placed a premium on search engine optimization (SEO). If you don’t show up for the terms your target audiences are searching for, you are missing out on a lot of potential business opportunities. As if SEO wasn’t difficult enough, voice has introduced a whole new set of challenges.…

SEO Tips When URLs Differ for Mobile and Desktop – Practical Ecommerce

If you still have a separate mobile ecommerce site, meaning that you have different URLs for mobile and desktop, your search engine optimization requires extra effort. Thanks to Google’s mobile-first index — which ranks your desktop and mobile sites based on signals from your mobile site — implementing special annotation metadata and redirects is more important than ever. Ecommerce site owners tend to dismiss mobile shopping, as there are typically fewer conversions on smartphones. But mobile shopping is on the rise. During November and…

An Advanced SEO Guide to Top Rankings on Amazon – Search Engine Journal

Amazon optimization is more than just listing optimization. Listing and sales optimization on Amazon isn’t always intuitive, especially if you come from a Google SEO background. While both Amazon and Google are primarily powered through search, what they value for organic ranking is strikingly different. Amazon’s organic search algorithm is made up of several factors that, like Google, can take some time to understand. Amazon tells us what it values in search: “Customers should able to find your products before they can buy them,…

Orlando SEO Pros Internet Marketing

We are local SEO consultants that offer Internet Marketing services to businesses in the greater Orlando Florida area. If you are looking for a search engine optimization specialist with over ten years of providing quality SEO services, then look no further. You can buy our digital marketing services separately or buy them as a package and save 20% or more. Our SEO experts will work with you through every step of your online marketing needs. We will design, build, and launch your website, write…