Internet Marketing Articles

What Voice Search Means to the Future of Retail

SEO still reigns supreme, but voice adds a complex new wrinkle to the search landscape. Did you know that there are more than 3.5 billion searches made online every day? Because of this, organizations have long placed a premium on search engine optimization (SEO). If you don’t show up for the terms your target audiences are searching for, you are missing out on a lot of potential business opportunities. As if SEO wasn’t difficult enough, voice has introduced a whole new set of challenges.…

6 Steps in Developing an Optimal Social Media Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

These days, coming into social media marketing without a plan is guaranteed to see you fall flat, and lose out on opportunities. In the early days of social, it was easier to start up a profile on a new platform and quickly build a following, but with algorithm changes, habitual shifts, and an increasingly digital native audience, who know what they like (and what they don’t), that’s no longer the case.  Now, there’s more competition for attention within feeds, and people are using each platform in…

Why Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Sucks

With over 3.2 billion social media users globally, it’s not surprising that B2B marketers are increasingly focusing on social media marketing. It’s quite likely your customers are on social media, so not only is it important to engage with them on these social platforms, you must do it right. To help you refine your social media approach we got with the marketing experts and asked them to share the main ways they see B2B brands fail at social media, and how they can improve.…

6 Common Email Marketing Mistakes That Can Result in Your Emails Being Marked as Spam [Infographic]

Are your marketing emails being marked as spam by your recipients? Want to identify, and rectify, some common mistakes which can lead to you being labeled a spammer? The team from Red Website Design share six mistakes that result in your emails being marked as spam in this infographic. Here’s what makes the list: Not asking for permission Hiding your identity Sending irrelevant content Breaking promises Overwhelming your audience Making it difficult to opt-out Check out the infographic for more detail. A version of…

SEO Tips When URLs Differ for Mobile and Desktop – Practical Ecommerce

If you still have a separate mobile ecommerce site, meaning that you have different URLs for mobile and desktop, your search engine optimization requires extra effort. Thanks to Google’s mobile-first index — which ranks your desktop and mobile sites based on signals from your mobile site — implementing special annotation metadata and redirects is more important than ever. Ecommerce site owners tend to dismiss mobile shopping, as there are typically fewer conversions on smartphones. But mobile shopping is on the rise. During November and…

An Advanced SEO Guide to Top Rankings on Amazon – Search Engine Journal

Amazon optimization is more than just listing optimization. Listing and sales optimization on Amazon isn’t always intuitive, especially if you come from a Google SEO background. While both Amazon and Google are primarily powered through search, what they value for organic ranking is strikingly different. Amazon’s organic search algorithm is made up of several factors that, like Google, can take some time to understand. Amazon tells us what it values in search: “Customers should able to find your products before they can buy them,…

Automated email marketing – The Columbus Dispatch

To most small businesses email marketing means having a list of subscribers you periodically send emails to. However, did you know you can create automations to segment out your audience, send them specific emails based on certain actions or attributes and create email workflows for your customers to go through? And to get started it is fairly easy? First of all, let’s start with why a small business would be interested in email automation. Not all customers are the same. They may have different…

16 social media updates for marketers in 2019… so far – Marketing Land

Social media is a living organism. Things change all the time. They change in response to developers’ ideas, user requests, scandals, politics and the rise of social awareness. People behind social media networks never sleep. They test new features, algorithms, ads and designs. They are doing their best to keep you attached to your phone, even though one would assume it’s literally impossible to spend more time on social media than we do already. For marketers, it’s vital to stay up-to-date with how social…

Should websites be accessible to everyone? Domino’s says no

That’s the question at the center of an ongoing lawsuit against the pizza restaurant Domino’s that was filed by a blind user in 2016 after he was unable to order pizzas through the company’s website, despite using screen reading software. Because he could not make an order, despite using screen reading software, the user alleged that the site was not accessible to blind people and as a result Domino’s was violating the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. Now, the company has petitioned the Supreme Court…

The rise of the smart site: How web design is driving business growth – Netimperative

A new white paper from Kayo demonstrates how web design and development can drive business growth. Kent-based technical agency, Kayo, has launched a new report, exploring how effective web design and development can drive business growth. Entitled ‘The rise of the smart site’, the report demonstrates how your website can act as your most powerful business development manager, if harnessed and optimised correctly as part of a wider web strategy. The report highlights how against a backdrop of ever-evolving customer expectations, a growing number…