Internet Marketing Articles

How To Prioritize Your Email Marketing Strategy In 2020

Marketing is constantly evolving. It seems every day brings new insights on areas like influencer marketing, social media, artificial intelligence, virtual reality marketing and more. While all that is exciting, you didn’t go into business to try out a bunch of fun tools. You’re probably in business to make a profit, keep your costs down and maximize your investment. When it comes to doing that, email is still king. Email marketing may be a dinosaur, but it’s a T-Rex that is never going to…

How Google’s recent changes affect higher education websites

The past five years have seen constant upheaval in Google’s search rankings formula. It’s difficult to keep up, and universities are often behind the curve when it comes to competition in search. Sixty-seven percent of internet users use search engines as their first source of information for higher education institutions. With the exception of a few traditional schools like Pennsylvania State University and Gonzaga University, WordStream’s Ken Lyons says most schools are losing their online visibility to other websites. “What I found to be…

Top 5 Not-So-Obvious Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Social media marketing done right can win you customers for life. Done wrong, it can cost you dearly. September 11, 2019 8 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Before you even read this, make sure you aren’t making either of the classic, obvious, social media mistakes — having a private profile or still using a personal account when you should switch to a business account. OK, cool. Now that that’s handled, let’s get into some of the less-obvious, yet highly…

Facebook Releases New Insights into Marketing to Modern Travelers [Infographic]

Digital connectivity has changed almost every market sector, and travel is no exception. The ever-expanding range of discovery options, coupled with the rising amount of user-posted images on social media, has upended traditional travel booking models, making it easier than ever for consumers to navigate their own process – and adding a new challenge for businesses to stay relevant and connected with their audiences. That challenge the focus of Facebook’s latest research report, which looks at how the path to purchase for travelers has…

5+ Types of AI Tools to Enhance Mobile Marketing Campaigns

As soon as Artificial Intelligence (AI) entered the scene, it became a hot topic. Businesses are widely embracing AI technologies such as Machine Learning, which simplifies the workflow for marketers in so many ways and offer a myriad of benefits. Many hotel chains, e-commerce companies, airlines, and brick-and-mortar stores didn’t think twice about whether to use AI to provide better service to their customers while increasing revenue. Face recognition, Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Cortana, smart selfies, and Augmented Reality – the ways in…

Should Social Media Be Your Main Marketing Tool?

The pros and cons of social media marketing Social media is an undeniably powerful marketing tool. Whether you are running a small business or launching a major startup, social media gives you a way to build your brand’s reputation, engage with your customers, and nurture crucial sales leads. Your audience is already spending a lot of time on social platforms. The majority of Americans under the age of 65 use some form of social media, according to a study from the Pew Research Center:…

Testing your email marketing to improve your deliverability

Martech is always changing and evolving, and the same is true for one of the oldest martech applications in our toolsets — email marketing. Many organizations treat email like a static piece of marketing technology and leave email deliverability up to the email service providers, but marketing to the managed inbox needs to be an ongoing, active process. The term “managed inbox” applies to email inboxes that use filtering systems and algorithms to prioritize incoming email messages for the end-user. Ignoring email deliverability could…

11 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce Websites

ADVERTISEMENT Social media is one of those things, like high waisted shorts or people still using the hashtag #nomnoms, that you either love or really hate. But, if you’re an ecommerce company, it can be kind of cringe-worthy. Between Facebook, Instagram, and new social networks like Vero and Steemit, where do you start? As Brent Csutoras, co-owner and adviser of Search Engine Journal, puts it: “In 2019, businesses need to really take the time to understand their customers and how they interact with the…

10 Effective Email Marketing Tips Small Businesses Can Use

Despite the growing variety of channels and options out there for sharing information and news, email remains a popular way for businesses to reach out to interested parties and potential clients. There are countless ways to leverage email to attract and retain customers, from sending them special deals or coupons, to offering value through educational content and tips. But how you present this information makes all the difference between people engaging with your company and them scrambling to add your email address to their spam list. To find…

SEO and Digital Marketing: Know the Basics

With companies going the digital route and focusing on creating the best online presence, we understand why everyone wants to do the same. Do you want to start promoting your company online? Are you not sure what digital marketing means? If that is the case, do not worry. With this guide, we will teach you about all the basics of digital marketing you need to know to create a successful online marketing campaign for your business.   Img Source: In short, digital marketing…