7 Ways to Make Your Company’s Email Marketing Strategy a Success

Businesses often write off email marketing as a tool of the past, but the right strategy can help establish strong connections with customers and drive company growth. It’s important to understand the basics, shares,  Alex Lieberman, Founder & CEO, Morning Brew.


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In a world of open-source data and social media, many businesses assume the best way to market to new and existing customers is through social platforms. Yet this assumption could mean that your company is missing out on potential revenue through email marketing – a direct-to-consumer marketing tool that is in the midst of a renaissance.

Learn More: Capturing Leads With Emails: How To Write Your Way To More Sales

While email marketing is not for everyone, knowing which strategies to utilize or avoid is crucial. Here are seven tips for making your company’s email marketing strategy a success:

1. The Format/Structure of the Email Is Inviting or Approachable for the Reader.

It is both essential and challenging to earn and keep someone’s attention. While content quality is most important, the way in which the content is presented is a close second. Paragraphs should be short and concise, content should be diverse in style, and story titles should provide high value to the reader, otherwise people simply won’t be interested.

2. Your Subject Line Cuts Through the Clutter and Make Someone Want to Open.

Your inbox is the new homepage. There’s a whole lot of mail and very little attention span and time. You need a short subject line (less than 5 words) that creates some level of intrigue. We have found that negative subject lines perform better than positive subject lines, and using second person can be quite effective. 

3. Your Company Understands the Needs of the Reader.

Just like the pivot to video, subscription, or podcasts, publishers have jumped on the first opportunity to be involved in the newsletter renaissance. This could be dangerous for companies that don’t truly understand their reader nor do they understand if their reader wants to consume a product in email form. 

4. Your Company Has Robust Churning Practices.

Email deliverability is so important, yet so few people spend time thinking about optimizing it. At Morning Brew, we churn unengaged subscribers every 10 weeks so that we can be confident content is delivered into our engaged readers’ inboxes each day. This process has led to our industry-leading open rate of approximately 44%.

5. Your Writers Are Writing for the Reader.

I can’t tell you how many writers don’t write for their reader. Whether it’s tone, story choice, or story length, don’t write for yourself. Write for your reader.

6. Your Company Monetizes the Newsletter in Ways That Are Authentic to the Brand.

Media companies make money by charging the consumer or charging a brand to get in front of the consumer. If you’re going to charge the consumer, make sure you are offering exclusive content and original analysis. If you’re going to charge the brand, make sure that their advertisement in your email reflects your format, voice, and brand.

7. Your Company Has Implemented a Referral Program.

Assuming you have come to the conclusion that email is a valuable channel for your audience and that your audience loves your email product, it is essential that you put a referral program in place to turn your biggest advocates into your best salespeople. People listen to and trust their family and friends, so effective referral programs are key.

Email marketing is a uniquely personal experience, especially when compared to advertisements on social media sites such as Instagram or Facebook. It’s a rare opportunity to cultivate – and maintain – a strong one-on-one connection with someone, whether it’s an existing or potential customer.

Learn More: Email Marketing Is Strong and Getting Stronger: 2019 Email and Mobile Benchmark Highlights and Trends

It’s crucial to leverage this intimacy if you’re working to create and implement an effective email marketing campaign for your business. All in all, your campaign must be personal, eye-catching and informative. The content must be engaging, and clearly written with the interests of your readers top-of-mind. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s better to focus on building a highly engaged, niche audience than achieve mass readership. Content is obviously the most important, but the way in which that content is presented is a close second.

Email marketing is a powerful tool when used correctly, and it should not go ignored in today’s world of open-source data and social media. Looking ahead, as new advertising tactics continue to emerge thanks to technological advancements, email marketing is sure to remain an effective way to form a lasting connection with a consumer.
