Want to improve your email marketing program? Get input from your entire organization.
Carly Wirkus, manager, marketing automation at Jamf, notes that her team walks through their results each month with the company’s global team, to discuss what is and isn’t working.
“Having those actual conversations can give you context for your theories,” says Wirkus, who spoke at Litmus Live in Boston this week. “It’s a great way to orient your [entire organization] around the same goals, and figure out how to carry results forward.”
Jamf is a cloud based Apple-technology management solution for businesses and educational institutions. The Minneapolis-based company has over 1,000 employees in 10 countries who help 30,000 global customers use Jamf to manage over 13 million Apple devices.
Wirkus offered several ideas for getting feedback and data to improve email marketing initiatives.
Regularly go over your results. Test regularly, and make time each month to review and record your results, to make sure they are statistically significant and support your initiatives. “Even if you are a team of one,” she says, “make sure you block off time to review your A/B tests.”
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Don’t exist in a silo. Get out of your bubble. Do you share results with your content team? Your social team? What about your website, UX, advertising and customer success teams? If you’ve had a big win with one of your email marketing campaigns, everyone will want to know about it. “If something works for marketing, it might work for outreach,” says Wirkus. “Your success can help fuel results across channels.”
Ask other departments for help. If you’re in a large organization and have resources like a UX team that regularly conducts live research, see if they can incorporate questions about your email templates in those efforts. Other departments like customer success and product management regularly speak with customers, so don’t be shy about getting them to ask customers if they are opening your emails.
Take email into the real world. Does your organization have conferences or user events? Ask attendees what they think about your company’s email marketing communications. Are they engaging with your messaging? If the answer is no, why not? “It’s great to get real feedback from real people,” she says. Face-to-face and real time research is super important to incorporate into your program.”